Audience Awareness Levels: The Key to Good Copy

audience awareness

Know thy audience awareness levels!

Keeping audience awareness in mind when writing ads will help you to make good copy that really targets the customers you want to hit.

In the video below, I go through an example of an ad that was created with good intentions but completely missed the mark.

The ad is for a device being sold that takes out the wrinkles in women’s necks.

Here's a screenshot of how the ad looked when viewing it on a mobile device:

Audience awareness

It features this line as the opening statement: “This Thanksgiving, say goodbye to turkey neck and say hello to NEWA!”

Now, this opening line is crucial because it’ll determine whether or not people will keep clicking.

However, this created some confusion among customers and ended up not being good copy.

The problem is that the ad lacks audience awareness.

It doesn’t contain anything that tells the audience about what the product is, and thus, it failed to reach the intended audience.

At first glance, if you've never heard of this before, you might think it has to do with a turkey!

The person on our team that got served the ad had never even heard of this company or device.

They were truly level one, cold traffic.

Knowing The 5 Levels of Audience Awareness Can Help You Hit Your Target

At level one, people don’t have a good idea of who you are and what your products do.

If this was directed at levels three, four, or five, this could have been a great ad because these people know more about the product.

As you can see, when the first line of copy is not matched up with the level of traffic you’re speaking to, it could be a huge miss.

This is why audience awareness is such an important part of writing good copy.

If they had targeted a slightly different group of people, the ad could have been really effective.

Always keep in mind your audience and level of traffic when writing ads.

In today's digital age, a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy simply won't cut it.

To stay ahead of the competition and reach your audience effectively, you need to leverage the different stages of the customer journey with a multi-channel approach.

It's not just about reaching more people; it's about reaching the right people, at the right time, on the right channels with a message that resonates so you move people along the customer journey quickly and effectively.

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